
Publisher of Spanish & Latin American Books for the North American Market

Editorial de libros Españoles y Latino Americanos para el mercado Norteamericano


At Stockcero we strive to help faculty instill love for Spanish and Latin American Literature to students in non-Spanish speaking countries.
We do so by publishing high quality editions, specially conceived for this purpose.
But your contribution is of paramount importance.
Not only as Literary Editor, but also as experienced teacher sharing your opinions on our editions.
By posting your reviews and adding Internet links to the information you regard as interesting additions for the courses you teach you will not only be helping the teaching community, but also you will be giving us the feed-back we need to improve the way we serve you.

So we want to receive from you:

• your reviews and suggestions on said works and our editions.
• links to the information you value for the courses that feature the works we publish.

After approval your reviews and suggested links will be published in our website, crediting you as contributor.
For every 10 approved reviews and links you will receive a printed copy of the book of your choice, free, just the shipping cost will be charged.
You do not need to post all your reviews at once, every session will add the new ones to your profile.
Your reviews will appear in your personal bookshelf, where you will be able to check their approval status, their appraisal by our readers community, and suggest Internet links.
Only one review is allowed per reviewer per book, but you may sugest as many links as you wish.
You may post your reviews either from this page or by clicking the «Post a review» button at the edition's online catalog page